SnapX Photography is a professional website template with 5 different HTML pages for full customizations. Top right corner button...
Catalog-Z is free photo video HTML template based on Bootstrap 5 Alpha 2. There are 6 HTML pages including photo detail, video...
Ocean Vibes CSS template has a video banner. There are 5 pages that open up in a pop up content box. Magnific Popup CSS is used...
Video Catalog has 4 different HTML pages. Main page has a video banner and a list of videos in grid layout. Second page is a...
Sentra HTML Page has a zooming image slider, content carousel listing, blog tabs, video, maps, etc. This is a 2-column page...
Moonlight is one-page HTML template that used a horizontal sliding page transition. Portfolio image gallery uses an inner pop-up....
Page one is simple and effective layout with beautiful background images for different sections. Multiple category image gallery...
Upper contains multiple image galleries, sliding background images based on Hero slider. This is a responsive Bootstrap 4 layout.
Accord is a metro style Bootstrap theme with multiple column options. Gallery is a masonry grid layout with image lightbox....
Masonry is free mobile website template with auto adjusted image gallery for any kind of screen size.
Artcore has 12 HTML pages. Homepage has a touch slider. Project page has multiple columns. Blog is a masonry grid layout for...
Flip Turn is simple 3D flipping 180-degree images in gallery. You can apply this website layout for any purpose.
Authentic HTML5 theme is based on responsive bootstrap design. Pages are loaded by sliding contents and fading images.
Circle is a portfolio theme, fading background images and yellow color. Image Gallery includes a responsive lightbox.
Sprint is a multi-purpose Bootstrap theme designed by green, black and white colors in a perfect combination.
Polygon HTML5 theme features image gallery, about page, services with hexagon icon boxes, contact form and maps. This one is a...
Nature is free HTML5 website template with fade in-out full background images while content box flows in from the right side....
Concept is a multi-purpose Bootstrap theme. Gallery is integrated with lightbox. Services and company pages feature sub-pages....