Channel is free template designed in violet color. You may download and use it for any purpose. Total 6 standard HTML pages are included.
Channel Template is 100% free to download for anyone. You are allowed to download, edit and use this Channel HTML CSS layout for your commercial or non-commercial sites. Please share Channel Template to your friends. Thank you.
Added: 09 January 2014 Views: 93,159 Downloads: 18,530
Powerful is free responsive Bootstrap template. This fluid layout is ready for mobile devices and provided by templatemo for free download.
Universe is free website template with attractive background based on black color theme. Total 6 standard pages are blog posts, gallery,...
Runner is a stylish website template for free download. Homepage is integrated with curved beautiful slider. Standard 6 pages include blog...
Spectrum is free web template with vertical sliding pages. Homepage features pop-up gallery images. Simple contact form is included.
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Trendy template features grid style menu and gallery. Horizontal sliding transition is applied among pages. Gallery page features pop-up...