Floral Designer is a standards-compliant HTML CSS layout that can be used for any purpose.
Floral Designer Template is 100% free to download for anyone. You are allowed to download, edit and use this Floral Designer HTML CSS layout for your commercial or non-commercial sites. Please share Floral Designer Template to your friends. Thank you.
Added: 22 December 2009 Views: 74,562 Downloads: 17,788
Speaker Blog is a 2-column fixed layout designed for blog themes, W3C standards-compliant HTML CSS codes
Stable Template is a professionally designed 2-column fixed width layout in dark, light blue and white color combination.
Christmas template is a 2-column fixed width layout, included a subpage with 3 levels of commenting
Gift blog template is a beautiful 2-column layout, left aligned, fixed width, contains a subpage with 3 levels of commenting